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Online Resources We Trust

You will find in this section a list of the quality resources, which are used by Resilience Institute for our work.

Analytical Reports and Statistics

The Global Innovation Index 2024 (GII) by The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), ranks the innovation performance of around 130 economies while highlighting innovation strengths and weaknesses. The Index is published annually and is a rich source of information about relative competitiveness of countries.

Sustainable Development Goals set the 2030 global agenda for sustainable planet and prosperity for people. SGD Index is an annual publication that share progress across 17 Goals, which are measured on several criteria and aggregated to a single Index for each, country, region and entire world.

The Sustainable Development Index (SDI) measures the ecological efficiency of human development, recognizing that development must be achieved within planetary boundaries. It was created to update the Human Development Index (HDI) for the ecological realities of the Anthropocene.

The Planetary Health Check is the most comprehensive, science-based global initiative dedicated to measuring and maintaining the Earth system. It is based on Planetary Boundaries Framework developed by Stockholm Resilience Institute

The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) by World Bank Group are designed to help researchers and analysts assess broad patterns in perceptions of governance across countries and over time. The WGI feature six aggregate governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories.

Gapminder offers reliable data related to different aspects of global society and provides very strong, dynamic presentation layer.


Stockholm Resilience Centre is a world-leading sustainability and resilience science centre, advancing science for a liveable planet. The planetary boundaries concept developed by the Centre presents a set of nine planetary boundaries within which humanity can continue to develop.

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